Commonly-Asked Questions About Hormone Optimization

Commonly-Asked Questions About Hormone Optimization

Waning hormones is a condition that both men and women face once they turn the age of 40.

If you’ve been sensing symptoms from lowering progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone, you’re probably aware that both, men and women experience menopause. In men, the natural aging process is called andropause.

Modern medicine now has solutions that can restore the imbalances and help you regain health, wellness, and sexual vitality. However, hormone optimization has gained a lot of negative publicity because of the supposed adverse side effects. Here are some of the most commonly-asked questions that most patients ask when prescribed the therapy.

Is Hormone Optimization Safe?

The safety of hormone optimization depends on the kind of hormones you’re taking, the dosage, and the time for which you’re getting therapy. For instance, chemical-based hormones are created using synthetic human-made substances. But, if you opt for plant-based supplements, you could get the benefits of therapy without ill-effects.

How is Hormone Optimization Used?

When you consult an expert in hormone therapy and talk about your symptoms, he’ll likely run a simple blood test on you. The results of the test will indicate the exact level of imbalances. Based on the findings, the doctor will put together a treatment plan for you that includes supplements derived from plants. 

What are the Alternatives for Supplements?

Conventional hormone replacement works by introducing synthetic hormones into your bloodstream through the skin. Both men and women can go for skin patches, gels, and ointments. While men can also opt for injections, women have the choice of vaginal applications. Available in the form of creams, rings, and tablets, the vaginal products contain a low-dosage of estrogen. 

How Does Hormone Optimization Help?

Taking hormone supplements can help you by reversing some of the natural effects of imbalances that occur as a normal aging process. The positive effects include:

  • Regaining muscle and bone mass

  • Restored energy levels, more strength, and stamina with less of fatigue

  • Relief from hot flashes and nocturnal sweating

  • Restored libido and interest in sex

  • Men may notice firmer erections while women may have better lubrication and relief from painful intercourse.

  • Improved sleep levels

  • Fewer mood swings, relief from depression, stress, and anxiety

  • Rejuvenation of the skin and fewer lines and wrinkles

  • Reduced hair loss

Is Hormone Optimization a Permanent Cure?

Whatever may be the kind of hormone optimization you opt for, it is important to remember that supplements cannot stall the natural aging process. Hormone therapy can only help you with some of the effects of lowered levels of hormones. You’ll only take the medicines for a short while until your body has the time to adapt to the changes. Your doctor will likely prescribe lifestyle choices that can help you deal with the imbalances.

Can I Extend the Positive Effects of Hormone Therapy?

Absolutely! Taking supplements will set you on the road to wellness and health. Side-by-side, you must switch to a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and eliminate smoking. Your doctor will also advise cutting back on your alcohol intake and the number of caffeinated drinks you have in a day. Adding vitamins and minerals to your diet can also help.

Living a normal life even after the age of 40 years is possible! Talk to your doctor about how the ideal hormone supplements that can help you. 

Corey King