How Does Chelation Therapy Work?

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Several metals in the environment like lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury can accumulate in the human body and cause poisoning. Depending on how long you’ve been exposed to the metals, you could have acute or chronic toxicity. The buildup of metals can lead to various health problems and damage to the internal structures. Chelation therapy is an effective solution that helps you get rid of the poisoning metals. 

You’ll Receive an Infusion of Medications 

During chelation therapy, you’ll receive a solution of medicines delivered by way of IV therapy. Each session of the therapy lasts for about 30 minutes and your doctor will advise the number of sessions you’ll need. Typically, patients receive treatment once a week with solutions like disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), penicillamine, edetate calcium disodium, and succimer. These solutions are approved by the FDA and considered safe for use. After entering the body, the medicines bind with the metals in the bloodstream. And, the body eliminates the toxins by way of urination.

Several Health Issues Result from Metal Poisoning

Heavy metals can enter your body through various channels such as breathing in air, drinking water or other beverages containing the toxins, or consuming tiny amounts orally. Patients with metal poisoning complain of various symptoms such as:

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting and nausea

  • Pain in the abdomen

  • Tingling sensations in the hands and feet

  • Fatigue

  • Chills

A Buildup of Different Metals Shows Unique Symptoms

Specific metal buildups can cause unique symptoms and your doctor will ask you about the symptoms you’ve been noticing. These signs can include difficulty in focusing, brain fog, and memory loss as in the case of lead poisoning or muscular cramping and erratic heart rhythms caused by arsenic poisoning. Patients with mercury toxicity may talk about lack of coordination, not being able to walk properly, or vision problems. Chelation therapy can help you by removing the toxins and reversing the symptoms.

Over-the-Counter Detoxing Kits are Not Advisable

Many patients make the mistake of buying over-the-counter chelation therapy options and using them to cleanse their bodies of heavy metals. However, know that the treatment should be taken under the supervision of a trained medical professional only. In addition to testing you for the level of toxins, the doctor will also advise you on the environmental factors that could be causing the poisoning. For instance, you may be asked to make some dietary changes or take other steps to restrict exposure. 

Above all, chelation therapy also works to remove essential minerals from your body including calcium, iron, zinc, and copper, which are essential for normal functioning. Working with a certified professional ensures that you get only FDA-approved medicines and a treatment option that will work to help remove the toxins without causing unwanted side effects. You must also remember that what you think is metal toxicity could be symptoms of other health problems for which heavy metal removal is not the answer. For this reason, it is advisable to consult your doctor and sign up for chelation therapy only if it is necessary for you. 

If you would like more information about chelation therapy, consult your doctor and ask for expert advice.

Corey King