How Does PRP Hair Rejuvenation Work for Men?

Research shows that close to 65% of men start to notice hair loss by the time they turn 35 years of age. It may also interest you to know that, by the age of 50 years, 85% of men will have noticeable hair loss.

Men start to lose hair primarily because of genetic factors or androgenetic alopecia. And, PRP hair rejuvenation can help. In case you’re wondering if Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment can reverse the effects of genetics, know that it is possible. Here’s how:

PRP Nourishes Hair Follicles 

The PRP serum is rich with a concentration of healing elements like platelets, growth factors, white blood cells, cytokines, mesenchymal stem cells, and leukocytes. The body uses these elements as building blocks for all kinds of tissues including bone, skin, cartilage, blood vessels, and other tissues. PRP also contains all the nutrients needed by body cells to repair and rejuvenate.

When the serum reaches dormant hair follicles, it sets off a cascade of repairing by nourishing and stimulating them to begin producing new hair strands. The nutrients in the serum also strengthen existing hair strands so that they grow better. Patients who have opted for the PRP hair rejuvenation treatment talk about how their hair seems more lustrous and thicker with a glossy texture and darker coloring. All these signs point to a well-nourished scalp.

PRP Works to Create New Hair Follicles

The tissue-building properties of PRP create new blood vessels in the scalp and promote the growth of new hair follicles. As a result, at around 4 to 6 weeks after the first session, you might notice new hair sprouting even in the entirely bald patches.

Typically, doctors advise that you opt for 3 to 4 sessions timed at intervals of two weeks. You’ll also need a follow-up session every 6 months. The effects of the procedure last for at least 12 months. The best positive is that since PRP hair rejuvenation stimulates the natural cell-producing capabilities of your body, you won’t have to worry about the hair growth reversing or the new hair falling off once the treatment is complete. 

PRP Rarely Has Side Effects

If you’ve tried any of the most common solutions for hair loss like Propecia and Rogaine, you’ve probably noticed various side effects. Since the PRP serum is extracted from a sample of your blood, the treatment has a rare chance of side effects.

Any ill-effects that patients report are usually because of related factors. For instance, reactions to the anesthetics or pre-existing infections in the treatment site. The doctor administering the treatment will likely assess you carefully as a good candidate. You’ll also receive a list of dos and don’ts to follow when you schedule an appointment. These precautions ensure that you get the best results from the PRP hair rejuvenation treatment.

Several other factors go into the effectiveness of the procedure including the quality of the serum and its healing properties. For this reason, it is advisable that you work with a certified medical professional who has the training to perform the procedure on you.

Contact the right practitioner and you’re sure to get the results you’re looking for. 

Corey King